Monday, November 17, 2008

txt message from God

it was a slow part of the day of a particular work day in the office. i suddenly thought of browsing through ipams. then i found this really enticing job post. its for an executive secretary in the UAE and the pay is minimum of USD $2000 to a max of USD $2500. i got so excited that i decided to apply right then and there trying to justify whatever inner ramblings my heart is giving me at that time.

i went ahead and clicked on the buttons and filled out the information requested piece by piece and then the laptop froze. so there i wasnt able to apply.

when i got home i tried it again. and then when i was just about to finish it, the pc went kaput!

i called my dad to be my sounding board. apparently he doesnt agree with it. posing questions like to whom will i leave my son to and other things.

and as if i could not take a clue, i still went ahead and applied. despite all those things. then i went to bed. after probably a few hours, i woke up to the vibrating of my cellphone. and then i found this txt message from ate amee - kuya randy's wife.

Often, we get impatient and take things into our own hands but God said, "Be quiet, trust me. I know your needs better than you do. Just wait and give me a chance to work."

i was really stunned. God really speaks to us now in plain language. no more signs and enigmas. just that!

so there i took that plain and simple!

I'm glad i do have an awesome God!

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